TechnologyJune 9, 2022

Ansible and Astra DB APIs – A Match Made in Heaven

Ansible and Astra DB APIs – A Match Made in Heaven

Every business is a digital business today. Technology is your innovation engine, and delivering your applications faster helps you win. Historically, that required a lot of manual effort and complicated coordination. But today, there is Ansible, the simple, yet powerful IT automation engine that thousands of companies are using to drive complexity out of their environments and accelerate DevOps initiatives.

DataStax Astra DB offers a rich set of APIs. The DevOps API makes it easy to script the creation and management of an Astra DB database, roles, security tokens, access lists and private links for your database. And, with Stargate, Astra users have easy access to built-in APIs (RESTgRPCGraphQL, and Document) to work with the data. 

You may have queried APIs with a Postman, a web browser or cURL, but one of the overlooked capabilities of Ansible is how well it can leverage APIs as part of the playbook. This is extremely useful because the number of APIs being built and offered both by Astra and across the global internet-scale companies is growing exponentially. There's even a public-apis GitHub repo listing hundreds of free APIs in over a dozen categories. 

In this post, we are going to walk you through how to use Ansible to leverage Astra DB’s DevOps APIs and Stargate Data APIs. In the repo, we give you the Ansible playbook for interacting with Astra APIs to get your database up and running with the required table(s) for your application(s) so you can begin kicking the tires.

Let’s get started!

With just one single playbook, we will demonstrate the operations needed to begin leveraging your database. These steps will help you get your Astra DB up and running and the tables ready to go for your applications:

  1. Create a token to use the Astra DevOps API endpoints (this is only supported for classic tier Astra DBs)
  2. Return supported regions and availability for a given user and org combination
  3. Create a new Astra database and create a keyspace on the created DB
  4. Find the created Astra database using its ID
  5. Obtain the secure connect bundle for the created Astra database using its ID
  6. Create a token to use the Data API for the Astra database using its ID
  7. Return all keyspaces in the Astra database using its ID
  8. Add a table in the created Astra database
  9. Return all tables in the Astra database using its ID
  10. Resize the already-created Astra database (this is only supported for non-free tier classic tier Astra DBs)
  11. Park the already-created Astra database (this is only supported for classic tier Astra DBs)
  12. Unpark the already-parked Astra database (this is only supported for classic tier Astra DBs)

Getting set up with the necessary prerequisites

  1. Download and set Ansible up on the control machine from where you’ll be executing the Ansible playbook. In this example, we used version 2.9.13.
  2. Sign into DataStax Astra DB portal and create an Application Token. We are going to use the API Admin Svc Account role here to generate the token. Save the generated token details by downloading the CSV. 

Tip: This step can also be created using the DevOps API, but we wanted to show you the Astra DB portal mechanism as well here!

  1. Download the astra_api.yml file to your Ansible control machine. If you’re curious, you could dive into this playbook to understand the operations at a deeper level. All we need right now is Ansible's core uri module to achieve what we want.

Executing the Ansible playbook

Run the astra_api.yml Ansible playbook using the below command on the Ansible control machine. You’ll experience all the actions/tasks being executed sequentially as defined in the playbook.

ansible-playbook astra_api.yml

You’ll be asked to provide answers/values for the questions one after the other which are required to execute the playbook. Just hit enter for the optional ones. See below table for additional details.

Alternatively, one could pass in the answers/values via command-line arguments by running the following:

ansible-playbook astra_api.yml --extra-vars 'astra_devops_api_auth_token=<your_iam_token_from_prerequisite_step2> astra_db_name=<name_for_your_db> astra_db_keyspace=<name_for_your_keyspace> astra_db_cloudProvider=<public_cloud_provider_name_AZURE_GCP_AWS> astra_db_tier=<astra_db_tier> astra_db_capacityUnits=<capacity_unit_in_numeric> astra_db_region=<your_astra_db_region> astra_db_username=<your_astra_username> astra_db_tableName=<name_for_the_table>'

Let’s see what’s all these Ansible playbook input variables mean:

Property Name


Notes & References
(see Resources section for documentation) 



An application token to connect to the DB



Default: astra



A container to hold to your tables within the DB.
Default: astra



Default: GCP



Default: serverless



Default: us-east1 (based on GCP as the cloud)



Your AstraDB’s table name



Only applicable for clusters created prior to the introduction of IAM capabilities. Default: astra



Only applicable for clusters created prior to the introduction of IAM capabilities. Use this along with astra_db_username property



A Group of replicas. N/A for Serverless tier DB. Default: 1

And, voila!! ✨ We've successfully performed a series of operations leveraging Astra DevOps API and the built-in Stargate APIs to spin up a free-tier database.

The following are some examples of the output you’ll see when your playbook has completed successfully. You’ll notice that these examples are similar to the larger example at the end of this post. We just shortened it here for the sake of brevity. Note that the playbook would have skipped agenda items 1, 10, 11, and 12 here during this run, as this operation is not required with serverless tier Astra DBs but we wanted to showcase what’s possible for classic tier Astra DBs.

We’re only showing the last line of the playbook’s run output here for brevity: 

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=19 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=4 rescued=0 ignored=0 

Upon the run completion, you’ll see the following in the AstraDB portal:

Screenshot of dashboard

Figure 1. DataStax Astra portal showing the created free-tier database.

And, when you click on the “CQL Console” menu/section to explore the created data model schema by describing it, you’ll notice output similar to below:

Screenshot of data model schema in Astra dashboard

Figure 2. DataStax Astra portal showing the created free-tier database’s data model/schema.

And, here’s a simplified example of the run output:

$ ansible-playbook astra_api.yml --extra-vars 'astra_devops_api_auth_token=AstraCS:CHANGE:ME astra_db_name=astra astra_db_keyspace=astra astra_db_cloudProvider=GCP astra_db_tier=serverless astra_db_capacityUnits=1 astra_db_region=us-east1 astra_db_username=astra astra_db_tableName=astra'

PLAY [localhost] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Returns supported regions and availability for a given user and org combination] ****************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {...},
"json": [{"cloudProvider": "GCP","cost": {...}, …,"description": "Free tier: Try Astra with no obligation. Get 5 GB of storage, free forever.",
"region": "us-east1", "regionContinent": "North America","regionDisplay": "Moncks Corner, South Carolina", "tier": "serverless"},{...}],
"msg": "OK (unknown bytes)", "status": 200,"url": ""}

TASK [Create a new Astra database] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {...,"location": "","msg": "OK (0 bytes)"}

TASK [Find the created Astra database using its ID] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {...},
"json": { "availableActions": [...],"cost": { ...},...,
"info": {"capacityUnits": 1,"cloudProvider": "GCP", "datacenters": [{...}], "keyspace": "astra", "keyspaces": ["astra"], "name": "astra", "region": "us-east-1", "tier": "serverless"},"metrics": {...},"orgId": "219acc40-f1aa-4d66-81ec-1ce64e1020e1", "ownerId": "llafqviyGJuaxMHUNmCnwjtY","status": "ACTIVE", "storage": {...},},"msg": "OK (3613 bytes)","url": ""}

TASK [Obtain the secure connect bundle for the created Astra database using its ID] *******************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => { ...,"status_code": ["200"],"url": "",...
"json": {
"downloadURL": " zip?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIA2AIQRQ76TUCOHUQ4%2F20210316%2Fus-east-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request& X-Amz-Date=20210316T024510Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host& X-Amz-Signature=3575a25b299c083aa29e003824f93c13f2989bbd2bcf74f0ad56266055cd65de",...
},"msg": "OK (1811 bytes)","url": ""}

TASK [Return all keyspaces in the Astra database using its ID] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {..."url": "",...}},
"json": [...,"astra",...],"msg": "OK (365 bytes)","status": 200,"url": ""}

TASK [Add a table in the created Astra database] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"invocation": {"module_args": {"body": {"columnDefinitions": [
{"name": "pk1","static": false,"typeDefinition": "int"},
{"name": "pk2","static": false,"typeDefinition": "text"},
{“name": "ck1","static": false,"typeDefinition": "double"},
{ "name": "ck2", "static": false, "typeDefinition": "date"},
{"name": "c1", "static": false, "typeDefinition": "timeuuid" }],
"ifNotExists": true,"name": "astra","primaryKey": {"clusteringKey": ["ck1","ck2"],"partitionKey": ["pk1","pk2"]},
"tableOptions": {
"clusteringExpression": [{"column": "ck1","order": "ASC"},{"column": "ck2","order": "DESC"}],"defaultTimeToLive": 0}},
"body_format": "json",...,"status_code": ["201"],"url": ""}},
"json": {"name": "astra"},"msg": "OK (17 bytes)","url": ""}

TASK [Return all tables in the Astra database using its ID] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"invocation": {"module_args": {"url": "",}},
"json": {"data": [
{"columnDefinitions": [
{"name": "pk1","static": false,"typeDefinition": "int"},
{"name": "pk2","static": false,"typeDefinition": "text"},
{“name": "ck1","static": false,"typeDefinition": "double"},
{ "name": "ck2", "static": false, "typeDefinition": "date"},
{"name": "c1", "static": false, "typeDefinition": "timeuuid"}],
"keyspace": "astra","name": "astra","primaryKey": {
"clusteringKey": ["ck1","ck2"],"partitionKey": ["pk1","pk2"]},
"tableOptions": {"clusteringExpression": [{"column": "ck1","order": "ASC"},{"column": "ck2","order": "DESC"}],"defaultTimeToLive": 0}}]},
"msg": "OK (548 bytes)","status": 200,
"url": ""

TASK [Resize the already created Astra database] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost] => {"changed": false,"skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}

TASK [Park the already created Astra database] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost] => {"changed": false,"skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}

TASK [Find the parked Astra database using its ID] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost] => {"changed": false,"skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}

TASK [Unpark the already created Astra database] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: [localhost] => {"changed": false,"skip_reason": "Conditional result was False"}

TASK [Print park the already created Astra database response for debugging] ***************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {"unpark_astra_db": {"changed": false,"skip_reason": "Conditional result was False","skipped": true}}

PLAY RECAP *****************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=19 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=4 rescued=0 ignored=0

We’ve only scratched the surface in this post in terms of what’s possible. With the ever-increasing capabilities of the Astra DevOps API and Stargate data APIs built into Astra, there’s even more you can do, including creating the users, their tokens, access list, private link and more! If you’re not already using Astra DB, maybe it’s time to take it for a spin. You can sign up for free here!

Follow the DataStax Tech Blog for more developer stories. Check out our YouTube channel for tutorials and here for DataStax Developers on Twitter for the latest news about our developer community.


  1. Ansible
  2. Astra DB (Classic Tier) (Astra Documentation)
  3. Serverless Astra DB (Astra Documentation)
  4. DataStax Astra DB Registration
  5. DevOps API for managing your databases (Documentation) 
  6. Stargate
  7. Get a Head Start on Your App Development with Flexible DataStax Stargate APIs
  8. Qualify Your Database Needs with DataStax Astra Stargate REST API
  9. Say Goodbye to Native Drivers with Stargate gRPC API in Java
  10. How to get just the data you need with the Stargate GraphQL API in a simple coding scenario
  11. Create and Use a Document Database with Stargate Document API and Astra DB in 15 Minutes
  12. GitHub public repo with a collective list of free APIs
  13. Installation Guide for Installing Ansible
  14. Manage application tokens (Astra Documentation)
  15. User Permissions (Astra Documentation)
  16. Astra API .yml file on GitHub
  17. Ansible core uri module 
  18. Ansible control machine
  19. Astra DB Glossary (Astra Documentation)
  20. Security Highlights (Astra Documentation)
  21. Using the Astra DB DevOps & Data APIs Reference
  22. Using the Astra DB DevOps APIs examples (Astra Documentation)
  23. Automate Database Infrastructure with Astra DB Terraform Provider

Let's get started!

Getting set up with the necessary prerequisites

Executing the Ansible playbook


One-Stop Data API for Production GenAI

Astra DB gives developers a complete data API and out-of-the-box integrations that make it easier to build production RAG apps with high relevancy and low latency.