TechnologyApril 19, 2023

Enabling DataStax Astra DB Data Searchability with Elasticsearch

Enabling DataStax Astra DB Data Searchability with Elasticsearch

For over a decade, developers and enterprise IT managers have relied on Apache Cassandra® for its unmatched at-scale read and write performance. However,  manipulating this data at scale has often proven to be a challenge, owing to Cassandra’s log-style, row-oriented architecture.

To address this, Datastax recently partnered up with ElasticSearch to make Astra DB data even more valuable. Through a new integration of Change Data-Capture (CDC) for Astra DB and ElasticSearch, DataStax enables the direct searchability and manipulation of Astra DB data in Elastic’s environment. The integration turns the massive amount of Astra data that enterprises already have into searchable gold. 

DataStax Astra Streaming is DataStax’s fully managed cloud streaming service built on Apache Pulsar. It benefits from all of Pulsar’s features including sources, functions, and sinks. It’s capable of massive throughput, and contains several built-in transform features, including “drop-fields” and “merge-key-values.” In addition to functionality at scale, developers will also appreciate the ease with which they can set up the Astra Streaming Sink to ElasticSearch directly from the Astra UI. 

Cassandra or Astra users at large enterprises will find this integration especially useful as they seek to leverage their existing data to drive meaningful business value with the least required resource commitment. (Watch this 5-minute video to learn more about how to build using Astra and Elastic.)

DataStax is the real-time AI company, helping enterprises mobilize real-time data and quickly build the intelligent, high-scale applications required to become data-driven businesses. Elastic delivers enterprise search, observability, and security solutions that enhance customer and employee search experiences, keep mission-critical applications running smoothly, and protect against cyber threats across one cloud, several clouds, or on-prem. 

By combining the power of Astra DB’s infinitely scalable database, Astra Streaming’s real-time streaming capabilities and Elastic’s real-time search capabilities, enterprises and developers now get the best at-scale database without trading the usage of that data in real-time. 

Learn more about DataStax Astra DB.

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