
Shifting Cloud Trends with Peter Bakas

How has the industry changed with the rise of cloud and software as a service? What does this mean for the future? All this and more will be covered in today's Distributed Data Show.


0:29 (Eric) Intro

0:59 (Peter) We get to meet Peter, Chief Cloud Technologist at DataStax

1:12 (Eric) What are some of the trends in the market around emerging technologies? 

1:15 (Peter) Cloud!

1:25 (Peter) Now it's about "if" the cloud, but when! Need to have a plan to migrate.

1:48 (Peter) Microservices is a trend that has become the dominate way of doing things in the cloud.

2:04 (Peter) Containerization, serverless is now becoming maturing tech and it is becoming more accepted and dominate. 

2:34 (Peter) Software as a Service more accepted by companies. Domain experts providing these services. 

3:05 (Eric) Is this why there has been a shift from we "might" move to the cloud to we will?

3:20 (Peter) It's all about time to market, provide business value fast! Complexity of the software stack has increased and the talent to service this stack has decreased! It is hard to keep talent.

4:13 (Peter) Every company is a tech company now. 

4:35 (Peter) Cheaper to move to SaaS than a company doing themselves.

4:52 (Eric) How does this effect software providers?

05:00 (Peter) How do people want to consume this service you are providing?

05:17 (Peter) Provide other services that other groups can leverage.

06:06 (Peter) Helps Accelerate companies on the path to value. 

06:36 (Peter) On the road to DataStax Accelerate!