Astra DB Pricing
July 21, 2021
Core Units of Measurement
“Read Request Unit” means the unit of measure for billing upon which an API call reads data from your table. An atomic SELECT storage request that returns up to 4KB of data for the applicable row is considered one Read Request Unit. If the atomic SELECT storage request returns more than 4KB of data for the applicable row, it shall be measured in 4KB increments and each increment shall be considered one Read Request Unit. If the read request involves an ALLOW FILTERING query the data is measured prior to in-memory filtering.
“Write Request Unit” means the unit of measure for billing upon which an API call writes data to your table. An atomic INSERT/UPDATE storage request with up to 1KB of data for the applicable row or a DELETE request for the applicable row are each considered one Write Request Unit. If an atomic INSERT/UPDATE storage request has more than 1KB of data for the applicable row, it shall be measured in 1KB increments and each increment shall be considered one Write Request Unit. If a write request requires an index update (SAI only), each index update is measured as 1 Write Request Unit.
“Data Storage” means all data stored into the Database including the actual data, indexes and metadata. Storage is calculated based on actual disk consumption. Data Storage is measured in GB per month.
“Data Transfer” means the transfer of Customer Data into and out of the Database in the Cloud Services. Transfer in does not result in a charge, but transfer out of the Database is measured in GB per month with 1 GB of Data Transfer out included with the Cloud Services each month.
Optional Features
“Private Endpoint Link” means the service that provides a connection between Database and Customer’s selected Cloud Provider’s private endpoint. Customer shall be charged for running the service and Data Transfer both into and out of the Database using the Cloud Provider’s private endpoint on a per GB per hour rate.