
Updating KillrVideo for DSE Search and Docker

Cedrick Lunven interviews David Gilardi and Jeff Carpenter about their recent additions to KillrVideo, a reference application for Apache Cassandra and DataStax Enterprise. David upgraded the existing search feature based on CQL to use DSE Search, while Jeff configured the desktop deployment of KillrVideo to use the official DSE Docker images.


0:15 - Cedrick welcomes Jeff and David and Jeff introduces the KillrVideo reference application

2:07 - David describes the process of updating the search capabilities of KillrVideo from a Cassandra-centric approach to using DSE Search.

3:45 - How moving to DSE Search resulted in several benefits: 1) a 40% reduction in code for the Search Service

4:27 - 2) a more powerful search with less reliance on specific tags

6:42 - 3) improved search performance through fewer queries

7:34 - David, the prolific commenter… and blogger

9:49 - Jeff updated the desktop deployment of KillrVideo to use the official DSE Docker images

11:26 - Leveraging cool features of the images such as 1) using volumes on the host machine that survive the individual instance

12:18 - 2) enabling authentication and authorization for administration and application users

14:43 - 3) creating a single configuration that can point the KillrVideo application to either a local cluster running in Docker, or an external cluster.

17:20 - The intersection of Jeff and David’s efforts - updating configuration scripts to create the search index using the new CQL syntax.

18:12 - Cedrick lays down the gauntlet and proposes a Kubernetes deployment of KillrVideo.

19:19 - David proposes adding some analytics capabilities using Spark SQL and Gremlin OLAP.

21:45 - The episode devolves into a full-scale KillrVideo roadmap meeting and we bring it to a merciful end.