Choosing the Best Data Stack: DataStax Astra DB vs. Amazon DynamoDB

DataStax’s Astra DB is the serverless, fully managed, cloud-native and cloud-agnostic DBaaS built on Apache Cassandra™ that provides developer freedom through APIs, unparalleled price, and scalable performance.
Read this ebook to discover the advantages of Astra DB over DynamoDB:
- Rich API flexibility means there’s no need for developers to learn any new complex, proprietary APIs for application development
- Better price/ performance (throughput and latency) at scale for lower TCO
- Infrastructure-agnostic data layer provides flexibility to run on multiple clouds, on-prem data centers, or both in a hybrid fashion
Capabilities such as storage attached indexing (SAI) and change data capture (CDC), powered by Astra Streaming, a multi-cloud streaming as a service built on Apache Pulsar, support real-time data pipelines. Read on to see how we’ve made it easy to migrate data from DynamoDB to Astra DB with our DynamoDB loader.