Industry Event

Join the Biggest Data + AI Event of the Year and Cassandra Summit are joining forces, uniting the worlds of open-source generative AI and machine learning. Join AI experts from DataStax, Apple, AWS, Hugging Face, LlamaIndex and Microsoft along with the developers and engineers shaping the present and future landscape of AI.

San Jose, California

Join DataStax and AI Leaders from:

Featured Sessions

Data = AI: Charting the Future of Apache Cassandra in Gen AI
Chet Kapoor, DataStax

Cassandra on ACID: This Changes Everything
Patrick McFadin, DataStax

Bring Cassandra to the GenAI Crowd: Meet the Low-Friction CassIO Library
Stefano Lottini, DataStax

Compaction for All! Unified Compaction Strategy in Cassandra 5.0
Lorina Poland, DataStax

Enabling Advanced AI Queries with Apache Cassandra and Amazon Bedrock
Kristen Hunter, DataStax

Next-Gen AI Applications via Multi-Agent Conversation
Victor Dibia, Microsoft

Unlocking Corporate Data with Retrieval-Augmented Generation
Jerry Liu, LlamaIndex


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