Accessing Cassandra with the Stargate Document API

Modern applications are built on APIs, and JSON documents are the most common way of expressing data payloads on those APIs. Stargate makes it easy to serve a document-style API over REST directly from any Cassandra database, allowing you to save and search schemaless JSON documents. The traditional practice for Cassandra has been to define all your schema up front.

What Is A Document API?

What Is A Document API?

A Document API represents your data as JSON documents organized in collections, similar to document databases such as MongoDB. Interact with data stored in collections using familiar REST/HTTP methods (GET/PUT/POST/DELETE) to work directly with your JSON documents, without having to learn a new database query language. To use the API, you create a namespace for your application, which can contain one or more named collections, which in turn can contain multiple documents. The documents can have similar or different structures - that’s entirely up to your application and how you want to represent the data!

Next concept: Why use the Document API with Cassandra?

Why Use The Document API With Cassandra?

Stargate is an open source data gateway deployed between client applications and a database. This open-source API framework gives fullstack developers native JSON support which you can then combine with the reliability and scalability of Cassandra. The Documents API builds on the Stargate REST API. Stargate acts as a gateway, handling the details of how your documents are stored in Cassandra. For Javascript developers, the Stargate JavaScript SDK is a great way to get started. 

Next concept: How to get the Stargate Document API
Why Use The Document API With Cassandra?
How To Get The Stargate Document API

How To Get The Stargate Document API

Stargate is now available in DataStax Astra. If you have an Astra database, the Stargate GraphQL API is already enabled. If you have access to your own self-hosted Cassandra cluster, see the Stargate documentation for a quickstart guide for installing and using the Document API. Stargate is also distributed with for Kubernetes users and included in DataStax Enterprise.

Check out DataStax’s BattleStax demo application, a fullstack app that uses Stargate’s Document API, Astra, and Netlify.

Next: Try it out

Try It Out

With the Stargate Document API you can save and search schemaless JSON documents in Cassandra. Here’s two ways you can try it yourself.

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(A GitHub account may be required to run this lab in Gitpod.
Supported browsers: Firefox, Chrome/Chromium, Edge, Brave.)

Explore The Stargate Document API In DataStax Astra With The Battlestax Sample App.

Try on Astra
Explore The Stargate Document API In DataStax Astra With The Battlestax Sample App.

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