
K8ssandra + VMware Tanzu

K8ssandra + VMware Tanzu

Enterprises wanting to run data workloads on Kubernetes are often faced with significant barriers. K8ssandra is a cloud-native distribution of Apache Cassandra® equipped with related open-source packages specifically designed to address these barriers. K8ssandra provides everything you need to automate the deployment and operations of Cassandra on Kubernetes and expose your database as industry-standard APIs. 

K8ssandra is certified to run on VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, a leading Kubernetes distribution from VMWare. Together they provide friction-free deployment of Cassandra universally across public, private, or hybrid clouds. K8ssandra and Tanzu work hand in hand to support NoSQL workloads like key-value, tabular, or document at planetary scale, with always-on availability.

Read this datasheet to learn more about the advantages of running K8ssandra on VMware Tanzu:

  • Bring data to the edge
  • High availability and linear scalability on any cloud
  • Single control plane for running K8s pods and data clusters 
  • Secure software supply chain
  • Increased Productivity, with Peace of Mind

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