DBaaS on Google Cloud | DataStax

Modern App Development with Google Cloud and DataStax DBaaS

DataStax Astra DB simplifies cloud-native app development on Google Cloud, with platform integrations to Marketplace, Cloud Functions, Compute Engine, Storage, Private Endpoints, KMS and more. Experience DBaaS with zero ops and develop apps at the speed and scale your organization demands.

Simplify Database Management

Deploy, scale, and manage a database with web-hosted and client-side tools, plus integrated billing. Pay for what you use, with no upfront costs

Accelerate App Development

Developers will appreciate the easy-to-use development tools that can be deployed with a click of a button

Eliminate Administrative Overhead

Intelligent autoscaling, automated backups, patches, and upgrades. AI-powered monitoring, with cluster health. Manage and log tickets with Google Cloud support

Simplify and Accelerate Modern Application Development In The Cloud

Complex processes such as capacity planning, tuning, configuration, upgrades, and backups are a thing of the past. Whether you’re new to cloud databases or not, you’ll appreciate the operations automation, security, and easy-to-use development tools that will help you build apps fast.
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