Don't be a dinosaur

Evolve and thrive with the DataStax Real-Time AI Platform - powered by the world's most scalable AI-ready database

Astra DB Benefits

Deliver Scalable, Secure Generative AI Apps Today

Use all your data for AI apps

With DataStax Astra DB, deliver intelligent customer experiences, personalization, Chatbots and agents, all using real-time insights from your enterprise data.

Use all your data for AI apps

Build for AI scale

Generative AI is pushing traditional data stores to their limits. Astra DB is the only vector database built for the massive scale you need today and beyond.

Build for AI scale

Be enterprise-ready, now

Astra DB delivers everything you need to run Gen AI in business critical apps: scale, performance, reliability - along with the security and governance you need to run AI responsibly.

Be enterprise-ready, now

Use the Database Trusted by AI Leaders

Astra DB is built on the open source data store that AI leaders like Netflix, FedEx and Uber rely on for the AI that drives their businesses.

Use the Database Trusted by AI Leaders

Control AI costs

Thrive in the age of AI with a multi-cloud vector database at 3X performance and for ⅓ the price. Pay as you grow.

Control AI costs

How Priceline Delivers the Best Travel Products with Real-Time AI

Martin Brodbeck, Priceline Chief Technology Officer

Generative AI: You Can’t Afford to Wait

What business leaders need to know about this technology revolution—and how they can take advantage of it to drive business results.

Read Now

AI in Action

SkyPoint AI ensures seamless access to resident health data and administrative insights. Envision it as a ChatGPT equivalent for senior living enterprise data, maintaining full HIPAA compliance, and significantly improving healthcare for the elderly.

Tisson Mathew
Founder & CEO, SkyPoint Cloud

Priceline has been at the forefront of using machine learning for many years. Vector search gives us the ability to semantically query the billions of real-time signals we receive as part of our checkout experience that flow back to Astra DB. We plan to use Google Cloud’s generative AI capabilities alongside Astra DB’s vector search to power our real time data infrastructure and generative AI experiences.

Martin Brodbeck
CTO, Priceline

The collaboration between data producers and consumers is enhanced through Astra DB's ability to handle high-speed event generation, enabling real-time information retrieval. Vector search in Astra DB further strengthens Dataworkz's capabilities by providing fast lookups and efficient storage of vector embeddings.

Nikhil Smotra
CTO, Dataworkz
