CompanyMay 15, 2018

Announcing DataStax Studio 6

Announcing DataStax Studio 6

DataStax Studio enables developers to query, explore, and visualize CQL and DSE Graph data with ease. To bolster developer productivity, we’re thrilled to release DataStax Studio 6, which is loaded with improvements. Let me give you a quick tour of all that’s new in DataStax Studio 6.

Simplified Collaboration

As developers interact with Studio, they see the high business value of collaboration. One of the most requested features is the ability to export and import Studio notebooks.

The Studio import/export feature allows you to export your finely-tuned, purpose-built notebooks, and import ones that have been shared with you. Use cases for sharing notebooks are plentiful, including improving collaboration, backing up notebooks, and distributing tutorials.

Fig 1: Notebook Export/Import

Track Changes

Keeping track of changes within notebooks is critical. The Notebook History feature gives you the opportunity to easily browse the history and revert to previous checkpoints.

Using DataStax Studio, you can:

  • Track changes within a notebook
  • Tag and preview notebook revisions
  • Revert to previous checkpoints if necessary

Fig 2: Revision History

Support for DSE Analytics and Spark SQL

As part of our continued journey to enable Studio support of all advanced DSE workloads, Studio 6 supports writing Spark SQL queries, which means you now have a visual and intelligent interface and query builder that helps you write Spark SQL queries and review the results.

DataStax Studio also increases productivity by providing:

  • Syntax highlighting to signal potential typos
  • Schema-aware content assist to eliminate context switching between writing queries and checking database object names
  • Code completions and code snippets for writing queries faster
  • Validations to help eliminate errors before query execution

Fig 3: Spark SQL Queries

Visual Interactive Graphs

To provide an interactive graph experience, DataStax Studio allows you to visually explore DSE Graphs without being a Gremlin Ninja. Flexible options support easy expansion of vertex neighborhoods and removal of vertices/edges from view for a seamless DSE Graph Exploration.

Fig 4: Interactive Graphs

Download DataStax Studio 6

We know you’ll be happy with all the new goodness in Studio 6, so download it today and let us know what you think. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Studio, read and follow the required steps in upgrade notes.

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