Learn How to Succeed with Apache Cassandra®

Build your next-generation applications with the NoSQL database that has proven high performance, linear scalability and zero downtime across on-premises, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments.

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Astra DB is the Multi-cloud DBaaS Built on Apache Cassandra

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What is Cloud Native?
What is Cloud Native?

Learn how NoSQL, Apache Cassandra, and DataStax enable cloud-native data.

Learn About Cloud Native
What is Cassandra?
What is Cassandra?

Understand Cassandra’s origins, features, benefits, and future possibilities.

Learn About Cassandra
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Tutorials, documentation and learning materials to get started on the Astra DB free plan, no credit card required

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Build Your Skills

Create even more powerful Cassandra applications with these features and integrations

Cassandra and Kafka

Cassandra and Kafka

Learn how these complementary technologies can help you build scalable microservice applications.

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Cassandra on Kubernetes

Cassandra on Kubernetes

Orchestrate your data infrastructure as simply as you orchestrate your services. We’ll show you how.

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Cassandra and Spring Framework

Cassandra and Spring Framework

Harness the richness of the Spring ecosystem with the power of Cassandra.

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Data Modeling

Data Modeling

Succeed with Cassandra! Creating the data model may be your most important design decision.

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Indexing in Cassandra

Indexing in Cassandra

Create powerful (SAI) Storage Attached Indexes to add flexibility to your queries.

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What's New in Cassandra 4.0?

What's New in Cassandra 4.0?

Learn about the new features and extensive performance improvements you will experience with Apache Cassandra® 4.0

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Zero Downtime Migration

Zero Downtime Migration

Learn how to migrate your client applications to a new cluster without downtime or data loss with the ZDM Proxy tool

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Hands-on Learning Series

Get up to speed on Cassandra quickly with these free online courses.

Cassandra Fundamentals

Cassandra Fundamentals

Learn fundamental concepts about Cassandra and Cassandra Query Language (CQL) through hands-on labs.

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Data Modeling By Example

Data Modeling By Example

Learn how to create efficient and scalable Cassandra data models for IoT, e-commerce, finance, and more.

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Cassandra Operations in Kubernetes

Level up your skills to run Cassandra successfully as part of cloud-native deployments with Kubernetes.

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What’s New in Cassandra 4.0?

What’s New in Cassandra 4.0?

Learn about the new features and extensive performance improvements you will experience with Apache Cassandra® 4.0

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Training and Certification /dev

DataStax Academy

DataStax Academy

The place for users of Apache Cassandra to develop and enhance their skills.

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DataStax Certifications

DataStax Certifications

Earn your credentials as a Casandra Certified Developer or Administrator.

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Dev Newsletter

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Stargate Data APIs

Access your Cassandra data via these flexible APIs and jumpstart your application development.

Stargate Native CQL

Stargate Native CQL

Stargate coordinator nodes handle native driver connections, improving performance and operator control for Apache Cassandra clusters by separating coordinator nodes from storage nodes.

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Stargate gRPC API

Stargate gRPC API

Go Driverless with Stargate’s high-performance gRPC. Experience native driver performance over HTTP(S)/2 for your Rust, GoLang, NodeJS and Java apps, or generate your own client.

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Stargate GraphQL API

Stargate GraphQL API

Write flexible and performant Cassandra queries in GraphQL to access only the data your applications need.

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Stargate REST API

Stargate CQL over REST API

Serve RESTful APIs automatically from any Cassandra database and start accessing your data via simple CQL operations over HTTP.

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Stargate Document API

Stargate JSON/REST Document API

Save and search schemaless JSON documents in Cassandra using the Document API, without defining a schema upfront.

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Get Things Done

The resources you need to make it happen.

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Read the Manual

Read the Manual

See our Documentation for all the details you need.

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Sample Code

Sample Code

See our Examples for plenty of code to copy-paste.

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More Resources

Building CICD Pipelines in the Modern Age with Christopher…

Building CICD Pipelines in the Modern Age with Christopher…

Many DSE users have very long upgrade cycles due to time and complexity concerns. Using the CICD…

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Adding and removing data in Astra tables

Adding and removing data in Astra tables

In the last post, you used the DataStax Astra API to generate data for our Better Botz database. When…

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Online Apache Cassandra® Developer Workshop

Online Apache Cassandra® Developer Workshop

Come and see the true power of Apache Cassandra® at one of our free online workshops! From the…

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